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m e d i t a t i o n

my yoga journey


 learning from Eastern philosophy books and Buddhist practices. At 15, old injuries coupled with growth and a poor diet, I found myself living with intense physical pain, major digestive issues and chronic allergies and sickness. I sought out the support of our family chiropractor, a brilliant Pakistani doctor who not only adjusted me gracefully but also began to teach me about Nutrition, breathwork and “stretching” (yoga postures). Fast forward to age 21 living in Nepal during college a friend began to teach me Yoga asana practice but the depth of my physical pain was so great, I just wasn’t ready to face all the pain waiting within my tissues. I had pushed myself hard in school and life and was paying for it.

It wasn’t until I was 25, 3 years deep in Soto Zen meditation practice that I came to the clarity and crisis that I had to do something, anything to begin to care for me body and unwind years of pain and overwork. I went to a local Yoga class at the YMCA with a friend. The class was taught by a sweet nursing student who was kind, gentle, encouraging and lighthearted. From that day forward I was hooked. I found freedom in my body I couldn’t remember having, a peace in my soul that I desperately needed.


And so my Yoga journey took deep root and a life of its own.


H O L I S T I C ,  I N D I V I D U A L I Z E D + P R O G R E S S I V E

Meditation is a fundamental practice in my daily life as well as daily reflection, study, self-care, service and movement. My life and practices are based on observation of Nature and the elements. Throughout my life in every phase of challenge or ease, the practices of Yoga and Meditation have been my foundation.


Over the years my love and passion for Anatomy, Physiology and self-healing has pushed me to study mostly Alignment based Hatha Yoga, Restorative and Yin Yoga and in more recent years Functional Movement. I incorporate Ayurvedic principles of the elements and doshas into my practice and teaching.

C L A S S E S:
Metamorphose Yoga, Kilauea, HI
Tuesday + Thursday 8-9:30am
Vinyasa Flow

Check out the WildYoga Teacher Training I co-lead based in Yosemite National Park with Balanced Rock Foundation.

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